Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Past Present continues



Last Wednesday I had the pleasure of meeting a group of students to begin work on the next strand of the Past Present project. Twelve year nine students from BACA, the colossal academy in Falmer, Brighton, warmly welcomed me into their brand new building.

This first session of six introduced the students to the project that aims to create a photographic tour for the phone app Historypin. (www.historypin.com) Exploring the nature of augmented reality the students will create a photographic tour that invites a user to experience the real world environment with overlaid images of World War 2 presented on a smart phone.

We will be concentrating upon the themes Life on the Home Front and Woman at War. The students will have the opportunity to research images and narratives of those who experienced World War 2 through the photographic records of Queenspark, the archives of diaries and day surveys of the Mass Observation Archive. They have also been given the rare opportunity to talk to those who lived during the war and get a real perspective on what life really was like, the hardships they endured and the fun times they remember.

To begin the students were asked to research the roles of those on the Home Front. Selecting a photograph from a series of roles listed below they worked in two's to produce a spider diagram that asked questions about their chosen character. 

  • Women's Auxiliary Service (ATS)
  • Land Army
  • Women's Royal Naval Service (WRENS)
  • Women's Auxiliary Service (WAAF)
  • Air Raid Wardens
  • Home Guards
  • Fire Guards


Tomorrow I will be going back to BACA to continue our research into the roles of those on the Home Front. I look forward to see what information the students have gathered and what material they have selected to be presented to the rest of the group.

Thumbs up to those who are involved and a big thank you to BACA for helping to make the project happen.